Insights to the books by Ralph E. Bowman

Slade - Gun For Hire IV


[This book may only be purchased as a Kindle book or paperback through Amazon.]

This is the fourth book in the "Slade - Gun For Hire" series.

As Ralph writes he comes up with ideas for additional storylines/subplots and puts those ideas into a file for use when writing the next book in that series. At the conclusion of the third book in this series most of the ideas for subplots would only be enough for one or two chapters, but he had enough of those for two more books. Those ideas for short subplots are what will comprise the stories in the fourth and fifth books in this series.

As Ralph was writing this book he fell and broke some ribs. That started him wondering about what would happen to a gunfighter in the old west who had an accident and broke some ribs.

Therefore, he inserted two chapters where Jack Slade had to deal with broken ribs.

Chapter 1 - Last Three Months
Chapters 2-4 - Mafia in Wichita
Chapters 5-10 - The Cole Hart Gang
Chapters 11-13 - Lucas Slaughter
Chapters 14-18 - Deserters
Chapters 19-20 - Protection
Chapter 21 - Revenge
Chapters 22-23 - Broken Ribs
Chapter 24 - Breaking up jail break
Chapters 25-33 - Solving mystery
Chapters 34-35 - Angry Posse
Chapter 36 - Fast Gun

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