Insights to the books by Ralph E. Bowman

The Pioneer Kids #3: Lost

[This book may be purchased as a Kindle book through Amazon or paperback on Amazon or Create Space.]

The kids, Eve and Ethan, are very sad at no having any children to play with any more. In the middle of the night they leave to go find their Indian friends. They take Patch with them. A storm scares Patch away and they are by themselves on the prairie. By remembering the survival skills their father had taught them, they are able to survive until their father finds them.

In doing research for this series, Ralph found 44 games pioneer children played. Many of the games he remembered as being taught to him when he was young by his grandmother who used to teach in a one-room school house.

The series ends after this book, because there are no more games to put in a glossary and teaching children games that do not involve electronics was one of the purposes of this series.