Insights to the books by Ralph E. Bowman

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The first time visitor to this site is requested to first read the above links "How Ralph Began Writing" and "Publishing History" prior to continuing. The books below are listed in the order they were written (left to right then top to bottom). By clicking on the cover to that book the reader can learn more about that book. For the fiction series, it is suggested that you begin with the first book in the series and work your way up.

The pictures below are of the paperback versions of each book and that picture is also what appears for the Kindle versions of each book. Note: when making updates in some of these books it was necessary to create new covers which are different than those pictured below.

Please rate any of the books below that you have read. To rate a book, go to and click twice on the picture of the book, then scroll down to "Customer Reviews". Thank you.